2020 AEFP Annual Conference

Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP) Annual Conference | EPIC- Affiliated Sessions

DATE:  March 19-21, 2020

LOCATION: Virtual Conference

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Session 1.03: Transportation and School Choice

The Long and Winding Road to School: Examining Relationships between the Distance Students Travel to School and Their Achievement Outcomes in Michigan

Danielle Sanderson Edwards, Joshua Cowen, Michigan State University

Time: 8:00AM-9:30AM CST


Session 2.06: School Leaders: Roles, Ratings and Effectiveness

Chair: Maddy Mavrogordato, Michigan State University

Time: 9:45AM-11:15AM CST


Session 2.09: Barriers to Overcoming Disadvantage: How Stature and Disability Affect Student Well-Being

Comparative Advantage in Teacher Effectiveness by Student Disability Status

Ijun Lai, Jesse Wood, Scott Imberman, Nathan Jones, Katharine Strunk, Michigan State University

Time: 9:45AM-11:15AM CST


Session 3.08: Factors to Consider in Constructing Early Warning Systems

Comparing Test Score Growth Measures Constructed from Aggregate and Individual Data

Tara Kilbride, Michigan State University; Sean F. Reardon, Stanford University; John Papay, Brown University; Katharine Strunk, Michigan State University; Lily An, Brown University; Kate Donohue, Brown University

Time: 11:30AM-1:00PM CST


Session 4.01: Contextual Influences on Educator Mobility

Chair: Katharine Strunk, Michigan State University

Time: 2:30PM-4:00PM CST


Session 4.08: Returns to Degrees, Majors, Names, and Co-Education

The Returns to College Major Choice: Mean Effects, Career Trajectories, and Earnings Volatility

Scott Imberman, Rodney Andrew, University of Texas at Dallas; Michael Lovenheim, Cornell University; Kevin Stange, University of Michigan

Time: 2:30PM-4:00PM CST


Friday, March 20, 2020

Session 5.01: Teacher Quality: Distribution and Policies Influencing Quality

Charter schools, teacher labor markets, and access to effective teaching: Evidence from Michigan

Kaitlin P Anderson, Lehigh University; Joshua Cowen, Katharine Strunk, Michigan State University

Time: 8:00AM-9:30AM CST


Session 8.04: School Boards & Districts: Resources and Representation

Crafting Coherence: Strategic Engagement with District-level School Turnaround

Sandy Waldron, Chris Torres, Jason Burns, Michigan State University

Time: 2:45PM-4:15PM CST


Featured Policy Talk: Building and Sustaining Research Practice Partnerships

Policy Maker or Practitioner: Joy Mordica, DeKalb County School District

Discussants Maker:Tim Sass, Georgia State University; Katharine Strunk, Michigan State University; Allison Atteberry, University of Colorado at Boulder; Jason Grissom, Vanderbilt University

Time: 4:30PM-6:00PM CST


Session 8.07: High School Enrollment and College Entrance: Choice and Policy

Chair: Joshua Cowen, Michigan State University

Time: 2:30PM-4:00PM


Saturday, March 21, 2020

Session 9.02: Early Career Teachers: Supports and Outcomes

Context-Specific Mentoring: 1st and 2nd year teachers’ evaluations of district and site-based mentors

Danielle Sutherland, Michigan State University

Time: 8:30AM-10:00AM CST


Session 10.02: Teacher Turn-Over: The Principal’s Role

Informal Teacher Exit: Are Principals Really “Counseling Out” Low Performers?

Amy Cummings, Michigan State University, Nat Malkus, American Enterprise Institute

Time: 10:15AM-11:45AM CST


Session 11.05: Collective Bargaining and Unions

Chair: Joshua Cowen, Michigan State University

Time: 12:00PM-1:30PM CST


Session 11.06: Teacher and Teach Evaluation

Student-Faculty Race Match Effect on Student Achievement

W. Jesse Wood, Michigan State University

Time: 12:00PM-1:30PM CST


Session 11.07: Impact of External Shocks on Student Achievement and Well-Being

Chair: Scott Imberman, Michigan State University

Time: 12:00PM-1:30PM CST


EPIC works with state and district partners to create a targeted research agenda to learn which reform strategies are most effective, where, when and for whom.

Most images of students and teachers on site are courtesy of Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for American Education: Images of Teachers and Students in Action


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East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 884-0377