2021 AEFP Annual Conference
Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP) Annual Conference | EPIC- Affiliated Sessions
DATE: March 17-19, 2021
LOCATION: Virtual Conference
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Session 1.04: COVID Responses & Unequal Opportunity Part 1
The COVID Classroom: How Districts, Schools, and Educators Responded to the Pandemic
Melissa Lovitz, Amy Cummings, Meg Turner, Tara Kilbride, Katharine Strunk, Qiong Zhu
Time: 11:00AM-12:00PM EDT
Session 1.05: Alternatives to Traditional Schooling
Peddle to the Metal: Inconsistencies in Student Advancement in Personalized Learning Environments
Danielle Sutherland, Katharine Strunk, Jesse Nagel, Tara Kilbride
Time: 11:00AM-12:00PM EDT
Session 1.12: New Perspectives on School Turnaround
Do Culture and Climate Mediate School Turnaround? Evidence from Michigan’s Partnership Model of School and District Improvement
Erica Harbatkin, Jason Burns, Katharine Strunk, Samantha Cullum
Time: 11:00AM-12:00PM EDT
Session 2.11: Housing Insecurity & Youth
A Lever for Improving Student Success? The Causal Effect of LIHTC on Underserved Students
Tasminda Dhaliwal
Time: 1:00PM-2:00PM EDT
Session 3.01: Educator Voice and Autonomy in Local and State Policy
“It does not feel like they’ve heard us, and we’ve been very loud:” The impact of district and school-level decision making on teachers’ anxiety during COVID-19
Emily Germain, Danielle Sutherland
Time: 2:00PM-3:00PM EDT
Session 3.10: Schooling for Students with Special Needs
School Choice for Students with Disabilities
Andrew Johnson, Scott Imberman
Time: 2:00PM-3:00PM EDT
Session 4.01: Special Topics: Teacher Labor Markets and Outcomes
Educator labor markets (e.g., compensation, pensions, mobility, supply and demand)
Chair: Katharine Strunk
Time: 3:00PM-4:00PM EDT
Session 4.02: Student-focused Accountability Policies: Retention, Remediation, and Exit Exams
All the Other States are Doing It: The Development of Michigan’s Read by Grade Three Law
Amy Cummings, Katharine Strunk, Craig De Voto
Time: 3:00PM-4:00PM EDT
Session 5.06: Schooling for Students with Special Needs
Promoting Equity in Michigan Special Education Finance: The Role of Intermediate School District Financial Policy
Jesse Nagel
Time: 4:00PM-5:00PM EDT
Session 5.12: Learning to Read: Teaching, Policy, & Intervention
Early Implementation and Effects of Michigan’s Read by Grade Three Law
Chair: Katharine Strunk
Qiong Zhu, Katharine Strunk, Amy Cummings, Tara Kilbride
Time: 4:00PM-5:00PM EDT
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Session 7.10: Transportation, Busing, and Equity in K12 Education
Another One Rides the Bus: The Effects of Transportation Eligibility on Student Outcomes in Urban and Suburban Michigan
Danielle Sanderson Edwards
Time: 1:00PM-2:00PM EDT
Friday, March 19, 2021
Session 13.12: School Turnaround: Efficacy, Mediators, and Long-term Effects
The Efficacy and Implementation of Michigan’s Partnership Model of School and District Turnaround: Mixed-Methods Evidence from the First Two Years of Reform Implementation
Jason Burns, Katharine Strunk, Chris Torres, Erica Harbatkin, Aliyah McIlwain, Sandy Waldron
Time: 3:00PM-4:00PM EDT
Session 14.03: Teachers of Students with Disabilities
Are Effective Teachers for Students with Disabilities Effective for All?
Jesse Wood, Ijun Lai, Scott Imberman, Nathan Jones, Katharine Strunk
Time: 4:00PM-5:00PM EDT