2022 AEFP Annual Conference

Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP) Annual Conference | EPIC- Affiliated Sessions

DATE:  March 17-19, 2022

LOCATION: Hilton Denver City Center – Denver, CO

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Session 3.08: Accountability From NCLB to ESSA

Choosing the Goalposts: District Defined Accountability Under ESSA

Samantha Cullum, Erica Harbatkin, Michigan State University; EPIC

Time: 1:15PM-2:45PM MDT

Room: Gold Coin – Hilton Denver City Center


Session 3.08: Accountability From NCBL to ESSA

Do Schools Respond to Value-Added Accountability? Regression Discontinuity Evidence From Ohio

Jason Burns, Seaton Hall University

Time: 1:15PM-2:45PM MDT

Room: Gold Coin – Hilton Denver City Center


Session 4.07: Effects of School and Student Accountability Policies

Following the Letter of the Law: 2020-2021 Retention Outcomes from Michigan’s Read by Grade Three Law

Andrew Utter, John Westall, Katharine Strunk, Michigan State University; EPIC

Time: 3:00PM-4:15PM MDT

Room: Matchless – Hilton Denver City Center


Session 4.09: Career and Labor Market Outcomes by Students’ Pathways through Postsecondary Education

The Returns to College Major Choice: Average and Distributional Effects, Career Trajectories, and Earnings Variability

Scott Imberman, Michigan State University; Rodney Andrews, University of Texas at Dallas; Michael Lovenheim, Cornell University; Kevin Stange, University of Michigan

Time: 3:00PM-4:15PM MDT

Room: Independence – Hilton Denver City Center


Friday, March 18, 2022

Session 5.01: Differences in Teacher Impacts by Student Subgroups

Are Effective Teachers for Students with Disabilities Effective Teachers for All?

Neil Filosa, Michigan State University; Jesse Wood, Michigan State University; Ijun Lai, Mathematica Policy Research; Scott Imberman, Michigan State University; Nathan Jones, Boston University; Katharine Strunk, Michigan State University

Time: 8:15AM-9:45AM MDT

Room: Penrose 1 – Hilton Denver City Center


Session 5.04: Teacher Working Conditions, Job Preferences, and Turnover

Teacher incentives in a charter district: Does seniority “buy” desirable working conditions?

Jane Lincove, University of Maryland – Baltimore County; Olivia Carr, Tulane University

Time: 8:15AM-9:45AM MDT

Room: Denver 2 – Hilton Denver City Center


Session 5.06: Effectiveness of Policies and Pedagogies During the COVID-19 Pandemic

School Turnaround in a Pandemic: An examination of outsized Implications of COVID-19
on Low-Performing Schools and Their Communities

Erica Harbatkin, Aliyah McIlwain, Katharine Strunk, Michigan State University, EPIC

Time: 8:15AM-9:45AM MDT

Room: Denver 6 – Hilton Denver City Center


Session 5.07: Segregation, Stratification, and School Choice

Do Public School Choice Policies Segregate Schools? Casual Effects in Michigan

Kaitlin Anderson, Lehigh University; Danielle Edwards, Brown University

Time: 8:15AM-9:45AM MDT

Room: Matchless – Hilton Denver City Center


Session 6.08: Measuring Investments in Schooling and their Outcomes

Connecting to the Test: Investigating Gaps in E-Rate Subsidies for Internal Connectivity during
California’s Transition to the Common Core State Standards

Ayesha Hashim, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill

Time: 10:00AM-11:30AM MDT

Room: Gold Coin – Hilton Denver City Center


Session 7.01: The COVID-19 Pandemic, Remote Instruction, and Student Learning

The COVID-19 Pandemic, Instructional Modality, and Student Achievement

Bryant Hopkins, Katharine Strunk, Scott Imberman, Tara Kilbride, Michigan State University

Katharine Strunk, Session Chair

Time: 1:15PM-2:45PM MDT

Room: Penrose 1 – Hilton Denver City Center


Session 8.07: Early Education Policy and Instruction

Strategic Responses to Early Literacy Laws: Evidence From Michigan’s Read by Grade Three Law

John Westall, Katharine Strunk, Amy Cummings, Andrew Utter, Michigan State University; EPIC

Time: 3:00PM-4:30PM MDT

Room: Matchless – Hilton Denver City Center


Session 8.07: Early Education Policy and Instruction

Effect of Early Literacy Policies on Student Achievement

Amy Cummings, John Westall, Michigan State University; EPIC

Time: 3:00PM-4:30PM MDT

Room: Matchless – Hilton Denver City Center


Saturday, March 19, 2022

Session 11.04: Teacher Recruitment and Hiring

The Predictive Validity of Pre-Hire Screening Across Teachers and Contexts

Paul Bruno, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Time: 11:45AM-1:15PM MDT

Room: Denver 2 – Hilton Denver City Center




EPIC works with state and district partners to create a targeted research agenda to learn which reform strategies are most effective, where, when and for whom.

Most images of students and teachers on site are courtesy of Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for American Education: Images of Teachers and Students in Action


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East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 884-0377