2023 AEFP Annual Conference

Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP) Annual Conference | EPIC- Affiliated Sessions

DATE:  March 23-25, 2023

LOCATION: Grand Hyatt Hotel – Denver, CO

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Session 2.05: How Can We Design Accountability Systems to
Improve Teacher, School, and Student Outcomes?

Do Stakes Matter? The Impact of Differential School Accountability Provisions on Student Achievement

Samantha Cullum, Michigan State University; Erica Harbatkin, Florida State University; EPIC

Time: 10:00AM-11:30AM MDT

Room: Mt. Wilson – Main Building, 3rd floor


Poster Session: Poster Session 1

Understanding K-3 Teachers’ Literacy Instruction during COVID-19

Amy Cummings, Katharine Strunk, and Tanya Wright, Michigan State University; EPIC

Time: 11:30AM-1:15PM MDT

Room: Aspen Ballroom – Main Building, 2nd floor


Session 3.05: Governance & Politics

Bright spots: A multiple case study of district practices for supporting student learning in the pandemic and lessons for policy

Ayesha Hashim, NWEA; Hayley Weddle, University of Pittsburgh; Ogechi Irondi, University of Pittsburgh; EPIC

Time: 1:30PM-3:00PM MDT

Room: Mt. Wilson – Main Building, 3rd floor



Friday, March 24, 2023

Session 6.07: Coaching and Instructional Modality

Trends in Special Education Identification During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Michigan

Matthew Guzman, Bryant Hopkins, Katharine Strunk, Tara Kilbride, Scott Imberman, Adrea Truckenmiller, Marissa Fisher, Michigan State University; EPIC

Time: 10:00AM-11:30AM MDT

Room: Maroon Peak – Main Building, 2nd floor


Michigan’s Literacy Coaching Landscape

Amy Cummings, Katharine Strunk, Tanya Wright, Michigan State University; EPIC, Lori Bruner, University of Alabama

Time: 10:00AM-11:30AM MDT

Room: Maroon Peak – Main Building, 2nd floor


Session 7.04: COVID and Teacher Attrition

Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Exacerbate Teacher Staffing Challenges in Turnaround Schools? Evidence from Michigan

Erica Harbatkin, Florida State University; Samantha Cullum, Katharine Strunk, Michigan State University; EPIC

Time: 1:30PM-3:00PM MDT

Room: Mt. Columbia – Main Building, 3rd floor & virtual


Viral Change: Trends in Michigan Teacher Mobility and Attrition Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Bryant Hopkins, Katharine Strunk, Salem Rogers, Michigan State University; EPIC

Time: 1:30PM-3:00PM MDT

Room: Mt. Columbia – Main Building, 3rd floor & virtual


Session 7.07: Student Achievement and Resiliency in COVID

The Path of Student Learning Delay During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Michigan

Tara Kilbride, Bryant Hopkins, Katharine Strunk, Scott Imberman, Michigan State University; EPIC

Time: 1:30PM-3:00PM MDT

Room: Maroon Peak – Main Building, 2nd floor


Session 8.09: Teacher Attrition

Should I stay, or should I go (later)? Teacher intentions and turnover in low-performing schools

Erica Harbatkin, Florida State University; Tuan Nguyen, Kansas State University; Katharine Strunk, Michigan State University; Jason Burns, Seton Hall University; Alex Moran, Florida State University 

Time: 3:15PM-4:45PM MDT

Room: Mt. Sopris – Main Building, Lobby Level



Saturday, March 25, 2023

Session 9.09: Teacher Labor Supply: Beginning, Mid-Career, and Returning Teachers

Do Mid-Career Teacher Trainees Enter and Persist Like Their Younger Peers?

Salem Rogers, Michigan State University, Jane Lincove, University of Maryland Baltimore County; EPIC

Time: 8:15AM-9:45AM MDT

Room: Mt. Sopris – Main Building, Lobby Level


Session 10.09: Teacher Hiring and Placement

Challenges in Implementing Teacher-Student Assignment Policies: Evidence from Michigan’s Read by Grade Three Law

Andrew Utter, John Westall, Katharine Strunk, Michigan State University; EPIC

Time: 10:00AM-11:30AM MDT

Room: Mt. Sopris – Main Building, Lobby Level


Session 11.06: Why Accountability May Not Be Identifying What We Think It Is Identifying

Following the Letter of the Law: 2020-2021 Retention Outcomes Under Michigan’s Read by Grade Three Law

John Westall, Andrew Utter, Katharine Strunk, Michigan State University; EPIC

Time: 11:45AM-1:15PM MDT

Room: Mt. Oxford – Main Building, 3rd floor & virtual

EPIC works with state and district partners to create a targeted research agenda to learn which reform strategies are most effective, where, when and for whom.

Most images of students and teachers on site are courtesy of Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for American Education: Images of Teachers and Students in Action


236 Erickson Hall | 620 Farm Lane
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 884-0377