Masked students distancing in class room.


COVID affected math learning more than language

DATE:  June 27, 2023

Studies continue to show that student learning, particularly in mathematics, and especially amid certain ethnic and disadvantaged populations, suffered during the pandemic.

And while the effects on students have been evident, those same researchers are finding that policymakers and education leaders have had “relatively little discussion” of ways to improve math learning and instruction amid pandemic recovery.


“While it is critical to continue providing supports for literacy instruction, the pandemic has taken an even greater toll on math achievement,” write the authors of a study led by Katharine Strunk and published by Michigan State University’s Education Policy Innovation Collaborative. “Policymakers and educators will need to provide increased supports for math learning and instruction in the years to come.”

​Read the full article here.

EPIC works with state and district partners to create a targeted research agenda to learn which reform strategies are most effective, where, when and for whom.

Most images of students and teachers on site are courtesy of Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for American Education: Images of Teachers and Students in Action


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