First-grade students listen to a presentation about bees.


Michigan’s 3rd grade retention law held back more black and low-income students

DATE: April 14, 2023

Michigan’s 3rd grade reading retention policy had inequitable impacts, holding back Black and low-income students disproportionately among students whose standardized test scores made them eligible for retention.
The findings, from a study released at the American Educational Research Association conference here, come shortly after Michigan’s Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, signed a bill repealing the retention requirement in late March. The policy originally went into place under former Gov. Rick Snyder, a Republican.
In March, Whitmer said that the decision to repeal the mandate would “put power back into parents’ hands so they can work with their child’s teachers and make decisions that are best for their family.”

Read the full news article here.

EPIC works with state and district partners to create a targeted research agenda to learn which reform strategies are most effective, where, when and for whom.

Most images of students and teachers on site are courtesy of Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for American Education: Images of Teachers and Students in Action


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