Madeline Mavrogordato
Affiliated Faculty: Teacher Workforce and Read by Grade Three
Madeline Mavrogordato, PhD, is associate professor of K-12 educational administration. She utilizes quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate how education policies shape outcomes for underserved student populations. She is an expert on educating English learners and immigrant students, as well as developing and evaluating effective school leaders. Her work is informed by her experience serving as a bilingual teacher in Texas and California. Dr. Mavrogordato’s research has appeared in a range of publications including Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Educational Administration Quarterly, and Educational Policy. She currently serves as a co-editor for the American Educational Research Journal, the flagship journal of the American Educational Research Association. Dr. Mavrogordato received her PhD in Leadership and Policy Studies from Vanderbilt University and her BA in Political Science and Spanish from Furman University.